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Javier Rojas

The Yanantin or complementary dualism

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

In the Andean world, everything known is expressed in pairs. There is a uniqueness, yet it is mysterious.

Everything that we can conceive from our consciousness always has a duality. Even if we place ourselves in ourselves, there will always be an observer and an observed, deep down they are the same, but their duality is recognized, it is like that in all aspects of life.

Life is movement, opposition generates movement and therefore life, that is why the cosmos manifests itself as a spiral, in the same way as the particles of atoms. That is why they are complementary, in this way there is no conflict, not even in our mind or in the face of some adversity such as illness. Because we understand that everything comes to generate a movement, necessary for the preservation of fullness and good living.

In observing and worshiping the natural elements we learn about this complementary dualism. As is studying the cycles of the sun and the moon, the attributes of the four elements: water, air, earth and fire; and various other rituals that come from the natural order.

In relationships it will be the same, our differences will rather bring us closer in the different aspects of our psyche and in the different relationships. Sexuality practiced in a proper way in the human being is the physical manifestation of this complementary dualism, benefiting both his body, mind and spirit, as well as a prosperous family and social life.

In observing and worshiping the natural elements we learn about this complementary dualism. As is studying the cycles of the sun and the moon, the attributes of the four elements: water, air, earth and fire; and various other rituals that come from the natural order.

Our ancestors also made decisions through consensus, where the conversation is circular and each one must always express something, avoiding one-way conversations or discussions. Then reason is understood as a complement between the different parts, and truth as what happens in the present, without taking pre-established attributes, which generate abuses of authority. Because where there is one who is right there is another who is always wrong, then the understanding and practice of complementarity will be a way to free ourselves from that and reencounter more with our natural way of being.

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